Sunday, June 26, 2011


went to a park today, it was great cause all day i was like indoors with old people (not that i dont love old people, cause i do) i climbed trees and got A LOT of sap on my hand. i discovered that rubbing alchol takes the sap of.


i was eating breakfast this morning when i thought of a great idea for a movie. i was eating breakfast with my mother, and according to my mother i was "eating breakfast wrong" and i was like....uhh...ok? and so my head opened up into a world of breakfast manners

Friday, June 24, 2011

Theatre-Romeo & Juliet

tonight i went and saw R&J with my friend and it was so good! the people were great actors and it was nice to see pee in it. also nave. but seriously romeo and juliet did a GREAT job convincing me they were in love. it was truly jesus, as juan would say
peace out, amelia

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


i gots some ideas cause i know i havent been making lots of videos latley. i am wanting to make a video about how stupid people can be. like one called children see, children do. cause its true! children tend to look up to odler people. so we should be setting a good example for them but that dosent happen a lot. even i see and do, cause im still a child, yeah i am.

Also i have been pondering the fact if i should write a letter to someone is the business of film. maybe a makeup artist, to get ideas on blood and stuff, maybe idk any ideas? wait why did i just ask that no one is reading this......
ok bye

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Recentlly i was Iago in aladdin
you knnow, that annoying bird that is jafars assistant, and also jafars brain.
yeah that bird.

well heres me in the MUSICAL! its not a play just so you know
yeah it was fun i had a whole family. a husband and kids


hello world!
My name is amelia
i love nature. i love theatre. i love fiming things.
i am not going to tell you were i live or anything because i do not feel like getting killed at this moment.
this blog will be about all my adventures as i am growing up. thank you. goodybe